"DeMolay played an important role during the formative years of my life. It gave me one of my earliest opportunities to learn about leadership and brotherhood. The values taught in DeMolay continue to be highly relevant and necessary to character development in young people in the difficult world of today."
Reubin Askew
Former Florida Governor & 1984 Presidential Candidate
DeMolay Forms

Membership Petition

Activity Participation Form

Representative DeMolay Evaluation Form

Leader's Resource Guide

Leadership Correspondence Courses (Course 1) (Course 2) (Course 3) (Course 4) (Course 5)

Meeting Minutes

Form 10

Chapter By-Laws

Ad Sales

Additional forms can be found at the DeMolay International web site: http://www.demolay.org/resources/forms/

Scholarship Applications
Kentucky DeMolay Scholarship Application

DeMolay Foundation Scholarship Application

Suburban Lodge Scholarship Application